Monday, October 24, 2016

October 23rd, 2016

It's the last week of October! Scary, but not because of Halloween. Yeesh, the kids (mostly Maeser) are so excited.
 "Mom, is tomorrow Halloween?"
 "The next day?"
 "Another week?!!"

There is a desperate need for pumpkins here. We have resorted to painting clementines with sharpies.

We're continuing the tradition of homemade donuts instead of trick-or-treating, that we started last year. Maybe we'll perfect the art of making them. We have already perfected the art of eating them.

Dan's Dad popped in for dinner tonight. It really is the highlight of the week for the children. I can't wait until they are here more permanently.

The Sabbath is a delight. 
Conversations with Maeser this week:
"Mom, can you stand on a cloud?"
"Mom, you have to save me a banana. There's only 15 bananas left."
Life is tough when you are four, and you can't understand why mom won't let you eat 4, no 6, no maybe 8 bananas. But not that bad, I found Maeser on the roof of the car this week with Scout bossing him around. Check it out.
Scout is really becoming her own little person. She talks so well, new words every day. The video is her singing her favorite song. It is adorable.

And Dan brought back a Frozen princess dress, bad idea. She hasn't changed clothes in a week.

October and general conference

Conference weekend already! That means it is fall already! We can't wait to get conference next weekend.

All Maeser can talk about is snow. He almost tears up when he talks about it. Who knew that he loved it so much. Any time we call my parents he asks if there is snow in Utah. So when it finally snows in Hungary, send him a photo.

I hurt my foot in April, it is half better, not knowing how bad I injured it before I ran too early and am paying for it now. 😬 shorter and slower jogs for a bit.

Sunday evening game night.

We went to our first High School play ever. So great to do something like this with the kids.

And I took a floral arrangement class for my Visiting Teaching this month. It was awesome.

October 16

We had conference. I always leave conference feeling empowered and thankful for our priesthood leadership. This year there were so many talks given on hope, joy and the power of the atonement, and repentance. I was thankful for a few minutes to think about how I use (or don't use, or SHOULD use) the atonement daily. One my my favorite quotes was from Dale G. Renlund's talk:
When we understand how our sins can affect our eternal happiness, we not only become truly penitent but we also strive to become better. When faced with temptation, we are more likely to ask ourselves, in the words of William Shakespeare:
What win I, if I gain the thing I seek?
A dream, a breath, a froth of fleeting joy.
Who buys a minute’s mirth to wail a week,
Or sells eternity to get a toy?17 

But the best part about his talk was in his closing: 
I pray that the redeeming blessings of His Atonement may be yours now—and again and again and again throughout your lives,28 as they have been in mine.

And Elder Nelson's talk on JOY. And Sister Reeves talk from women's conference. And ... I guess I could go on and on.

I have thought so much about that last line though. And it happened to be the last line in all of conference as he was the last speaker. I am so thankful that the Atonement isn't like a ticket at a carnival. Once used on a ride we can't go again... but that no matter how many times, and it should be daily, we find ourselves falling short that we can try again, and again, and again. Even an Apostle needs the atonement.

Maeser has been wearing this Ninja costume for days.

Beyond conference, Dan flew to Chile. His first time in South America. Within the family, there was someone on almost every continent (no one in Africa) on Monday. That's something else I've thought about frequently. We have the capacity to do so much good. I am so thankful for family and the friendships and strength we have as a whole. With Dallin and Sarah in Europe, Hannah in Santiago, Dan/Dan/Rocky/Derrick all over Asia and North America... and Sarah/Julie/Abby/Amy raising 17 children, and not to discount Mom (who reaches 100's)- we have such a huge opportunity to teach of Christ. And that's just Dan's family. Christy and Leif and Mom and Dad in Utah, Ann and Jeff in the mid-west, Caitlin and Spencer on the east coast with Jeremiah in the Deep South... such an influence.

I voted. I hear our ballots won't be counted. But I voted anyway.

Mary has found an interest in the kitchen. With school out this week she has prepared at least 8 different meals. She got so carried away this afternoon that she made two whole loaves of bread into cheese sandwiches!
It seems that everything else was ordinary. But of familiar things this has been ringing in my ears:

"It seems to be human nature: as we become more familiar with something, even something miraculous and awe-inspirit, we lose our sense of awe and treat it as commonplace...Life changing truths are before our eyes and at our fingertips, but sometimes we sleepwalk on the path of discipleship. Too often we let ourselves be distracted by the imperfections of our fellow members instead of following the example of our Master. We tread a path covered with diamonds, but we can scarcely distinguish them from ordinary pebbles…If you have never felt such wonder and joy, I invite you to seek, study, and ponder the simple yet profound truths of the restored gospel.”
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

A belated hello.

Late entry. Bad for me because I usually count it as a journal entry. Alas, I still don't have much time to write (kids are out of school for 10 days and Dan is out of town) but I'll include a link with some awesome photos. A friend took some family photos two weeks ago. And she was very generous in her writing, our house looks peaceful, what she didn't document were the tears, pillow fight turned ugly, and Moses crying to sleep. (All in the few minutes she was here.) That's the reality, but it is still beautiful. So enjoy the link, I'll write more soon. I promise.