Monday, October 26, 2009

Baths, Apples, Pumpkins and Ducks

In lieu of his binki in the tub, I think we're gonna have a hard time breaking him of the habit.

Loves his apples. Even the core and seeds . . .

Mary was a little excited to pick out her own pumpkin; she called them all Mary Pumpkins.

Celebration dinner, Dan is the best! We went to one of our favorite local spots. This particular chef is opening an new place in November, though it is a private restaurant. I'll have to get an invitation some how.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

ABC Shave Ice

I had this dessert in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (which is a common dessert there) that I'm sure my grandmother invented. It has her fingerprints all over it. It's called ABC shave ice and contains among other things: shaved ice, jello, corn, beans, other veggies. It's on par with the famous cottage cheese and raisin sandwiches Ivan and I were served once.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where and How

Good point, details:

Mary fell from the kitchen chair. Not a long fall, but a hard one (tile floor). She was trying to hand me something and slipped. She cried for a long time but I chalked it up to nap time and didn't take her in for hours.

We are moving to Bangkok.

Last week Sarah and I took the children up the canyon for some pictures with the fall leaves. We didn't get very many good ones. I think the first is the best shot, and the following are runner ups.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More fantastic pictures of our adorable children

btw: for those who haven't heard, we're moving in January. maybe the blog will get more attention, being it's creation was for the grandparents.

M broke her collarbone . . .

but she's still a doll.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This is from a while ago, but we cooked a pig in our backyard. It was a lot of work, but if the chickens don't start laying eggs, they're next.

garden boxes

Amy and I built these grow boxes, and last week we filled them with some premium soil. Sam and his friend were pressed into service hauling it up the hill, as they had to pay Amy back for cooking their homecoming dinner.

Now we have some garden space, some grapes, 5 fruit trees, and chickens:

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Yes, this blog has been neglected. Though the following is small, I'm sorry to those who periodically check it. I've just asked Dan to catch it up.
Sigh . . . no longer on my to-do list.