Sunday, August 24, 2008

Busy Summer

Mary's new favorite food.

Family Vacation

derrick's pyramid, complete with all-seeing-eye.

right to left: sam's mordor, my minus tirith, dallin's castle. mine lasted the longest when the tide came in, with sam's as a close second.

sam getting his bi-monthly bath.

mary loved the sand; she liked the texture and taste
mary also like playing with her cousins. we're not sure if it was reciprocated. "swiper no swipy" was heard many times.

mary's new bathing suit.

a couple of cutie-pies.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Puerto Rico

On our way from NYC to SLC we had a brief six day layover in Puerto Rico (a kind grandmother had packed the baby home). This was the villa we stayed in--thanks to the resort overbooking "online special" rooms.

The view from one of our cabanas.
Amy reading on the other cabana, and yes, we had our own swimming pool. The villa even had a moat (but no alligators).Compared to our 400 square foot NY apartment, we probably would have been happy just to stay in the TV cupboard...
Hiking in the rain forest.

After relaxing for a few days, we had a couple spare hours for a cultural experience, so we visited a castle in Old San Juan.

"I don't see any British coming, let's go eat."

Last Month in NYC

View of Manhattan from Brooklyn.
Mary devouring a cupcake on our front steps. There was a fair on our street. This sort of sugary extravagance used to be unusual for Mary, then we moved closer to family.
Walking through Central Park on a rainy day.

Little Italy (Bronx), Mary trying to walk backwards.
Hughes Street